Innovation in Industrial Monitoring: OPC UA and Modbus TCP/IP in the TWave T8

In the era of Industry 4.0, smart solutions are essential for not only monitoring but also optimizing and protecting critical systems.

October 17, 2024

The TWave T8 revolutionizes industrial monitoring by integrating advanced OPC UA and Modbus TCP/IP protocols, elevating connectivity and data analysis.

Why is OPC UA a game-changer in the T8?

  • Integrated Server: Centralizes sensor data, making it accessible to SCADA, ERP, and OPC clients.
  • Multiplatform Support: Unlike OPC Classic, OPC UA is independent of Windows, enabling seamless integration with PLCs, reducing costs, and ensuring compatibility across diverse systems.
  • Advanced Data Modeling: Structures complex data (machine states, alarms, trends) for smooth integration with SCADA or enterprise systems, providing better insights.
  • Maximum Security: Ensures data protection through full encryption with AES-128/256, SSL/HTTPS support, and robust authentication mechanisms.

How does the T8 combine OPC UA with Modbus TCP/IP?

The TWave T8 isn’t just a monitoring device, it’s a smart online CMS that integrates OPC UA for advanced applications while also supporting Modbus TCP/IP, ensuring perfect compatibility with traditional sensors and devices. TWave T8 bridges the gap, providing the perfect solution for environments with mixed architectures, connecting new technologies with existing systems.

With OPC UA at its core, the TWave T8 integrates, optimizes, and protects your systems in real-time. Modbus TCP/IP ensures compatibility with existing devices, making this the ideal solution for complex industrial environments.

Ready to take the next step in industrial monitoring?

Contact us and discover how the TWave T8 can transform your operations.

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